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In Their Own Voices: Randall Hyman Amplifies Sámi Dreams


The Center for Sustainability is delighted to announce photojournalist Randall Hyman as its 2024 Changemaker Speaker. Hyman is a St. Louis-based science writer, photojournalist, and professor who has been published in Science, Nature, Smithsonian, The Christian Science Monitor, The Atlantic, Foreign Affairs, and National Geographic, to name a few. 

"Sámi Dreams," Hyman’s photography exhibit and Gallery Talk, brings to life the Sámi culture—the oldest culture in large areas of northern Norway. Featuring portraits of 16 Sámi, along with audio of them telling their own stories, the exhibit will head from Elsah to its permanent home at the Sámi Parliament in Norway. 

Hyman’s work has long centered on themes of social justice and indigenous rights, including women’s leadership in the Navajo Nation and the rising voice of the Sámi people in northern Scandinavia. As a Fulbright Scholar and Alicia Patterson Foundation Fellow, he has lectured on Arctic climate change at Tufts University, Boston College, Wellesley College, Boston Museum of Science, and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Washington D.C. Randall teaches climate change at Webster University and continues to cover environmental issues overseas and in North America.